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 Ohio Election Day Video

About Us

The Green Party is composed of grassroots activists, environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters, and regular citizens who’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. Our goal is to be the electoral wing of the nation-wide movements against war and corporate power.

  • David Cobb, Green Party Presidential candidate, served as the General Counsel for the Green Party of the United States until declaring his candidacy, and was the Green Party of Texas (GPTX) candidate for Attorney General in 2002.
  • Patricia LaMarche, Green Party Vice Presidential candidate, spent two weeks on an unprecedented “Left Out Tour” that highlighted those left out in America. Unlike any other presidential or vice presidential candidate, she slept in a dozen homeless shelters and on the streets in an effort to draw attention to those living on the edge of society — the homeless, victims of domestic abuse, people without health insurance, and the working poor.
  • The Green Party is recognized by the Federal Election Commission, and has supported successful Green candidates in many states from California to Colorado to Maine.
  • The Ten Key Values of the Green Party are guiding principles that are adapted and defined to fit each state and local chapter.
  • The Green Party positions on major issues show the difference between the Green Party and the two corporate-controlled parties.

The Electoral College

An embarrassing vestige of accomodation to slavery and segregation. Find out why we should toss this undemocratic and antiquated contraption onto the junk-heap of history.